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At Hope, our vision is to strengthen men to become leaders in their family, workplace, and neighborhood. Everything our men’s ministry plans and does, we desire that it flows from our love for God and others, fueled by Jesus’ radical love for us.


The Christian life is an ongoing battle against sin. Often, we downplay its effect in our lives, choosing to ignore it and thus hindering our growth in Christ. This study offers biblical guidance on the true nature of sin and how we can overcome it in everyday life through the power of the Gospel. Starting February 7th, join us Friday mornings from 6:30-7:30am as we study “The Enemy Within.”

Prior to the class, please purchase a link to the book using this link.


Start Date: February 7th

When: Thursdays from 6:30-7:30-am

Where: Fellowship Hall

The Enemy Within Men's Minsitry.png

Another avenue of discipleship — that is, growing up in every way into Jesus (Eph. 4:15)— at Hope is our Men’s Ministry. We strive to be marked by sacrificial service in the community, abiding obedience of God’s word, and active accountability within the body. At Hope, our vision is to strengthen men to become leaders in their family, workplace, and neighborhood. Everything our men’s ministry plans and does, we desire that it flows from our love for God and others, fueled by Jesus’ radical love for us.

Each spring and fall, we gather for 10-12 week periods on Friday mornings at 6:30am to study God's word, apply truth to our lives and pray for one another. Any and all men are welcome!

1 JOHN 3:16

"By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers."



If you are unable to attend a study in person, they have each been recorded at posted at the link below for you to listen and follow along. 

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